

The 4th Youth Academic Seminar of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Department of Interdisciplinary Sciences, Shenzhen
Combining biological pathways and engineering approaches to improve the function of manufactured organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Changping District Life Park “Human Legacy Specialist” Salon Event, Beijing
Organ regeneration and manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Engineering Special Seminar, Westlake University, Hangzhou
How close are engineered organs to replicating the natural complexity of biological systems?
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
NSFC seminar: Organoid Construction and Cell Colony Plasticity, Hangzhou
How to design materials and processes to enhance organ fabrication functionality
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
2024 the 8th Shanghai Society for Cell Biology (SSCB) – Cell Discovery (CD) Symposia, Organoids and Precision Medicine, Shanghai
第八期SSCB-CD Symposia(会议主题:类器官与精准医疗),上海
How to design to improve the functionality of manufactured organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The 14th Annual Conference of the Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research (CSSCR)
Harbin, Heilongjiang
Symposium on organoid standardization
2024 Symposium of the Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Committee of the Chinese Pharmacological Society, Kashgar, Xinjiang
中国药理学会生化与分子药理学专业委员会 2024年研讨会,喀什,新疆
3D bioprinting and organ manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
1st BMEMat-Advanced Materials Joint Symposium, Hongkong
第一届《Biomedical Engineering Materials》—《Advanced Materials》联合国际会议,香港
Session: August 14th (Day 1) Afternoon-Parallel Session Ⅲ, Fate Control of Cells such as Neural and Stem cells
Bioink design in organ manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The 30th International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences (ICCES2024), Singapore
How to Design Engineered Organs to Enhance Physiological Function
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Visit of the delegation from the Director of International Technology Department at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

Nicole Gregory – Deputy Director, International Technology Department, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Perry Smith – Policy Officer, International Technology Department, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Vanda Green – Science and Technology Counsellor, British Embassy Beijing
Morag Brown – Head of Science and Technology Collaboration, British Embassy Beijing
Isabel Ayton – First Secretary Science and Technology, British Embassy Beijing
Naomi Kolleeny – Second Secretary Technology, British Embassy Beijing

Tongbiao Zhao – Professor of Stem Cell and Immunology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Deputy President of Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Yaojin Peng – Zhiyi Professor, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Director, Research Center for Science and Technology Ethics, Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Jie Hao – Executive Director, National Stem Cell Resource Centre, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yin Lin – Senior Manager of International Affairs, Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Lulu Ding –Assistant Professor, Beijing Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
Ruohan Feng – Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2024 GULAB Summer Team Building, Beijing
Indoor Battle Party with Gel Blaster
Stress Relief, Tactical Thinking, and Bonding with Labmates!
Work Hard, Play Harder! 
“Focus on New Productivity and Empower High-quality Development” Postdoctoral Academic Forum, Northeast Agricultural University
聚焦新质生产力· 赋能高质量发展”博士后学术论坛,东北农业大学
Progress and application of biological 3D printing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Guangzhou Medical University
Organ manufacturing and functional simulation
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker

2024 International Biomaterials Forum, South China TMJ and Regenerative Medicine Conference, Guangzhou
Bio-ink design in organ manufacturing process
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker and Session chair

Congratulations to our graduate students Haitao Guo and Juan Wu!
Wish them all the best in the future!
The 12th World Biomaterials Congress (WBC 2024), Daegu, South Korea
Session Organizer and Co-Chair (SP-T02-0076: Biomaterials processing and biofabrication: Creating 3D architectures to facilitate organ regeneration)
Keynote Speaker (S14-13-2: Exploring controlled cell movement to create engineered organs with natural properties)
Poster Session:
Xin Liu (post-doc): Three-dimensional liver tissue model with branched vascular networks by multi-materials bioprinting
Wenhui Huang (PhD Student): Easily Processable Norbornene-modified Collagen-based Hydrogel for Bioprinting Functional Tissue Constructs
Congratulations to our graduate students Haitao Guo and Juan Wu!
Wish them all the best in the future!

Orthopedic clinical issues, data, and future challenges
Invited Speaker: Xuenong Zou, The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

The 15th Life Sciences Forum of Qin Pengchun Education Fund & the Centenary Commemoration of the Birth of Mr. Qin Pengchun, Harbin
Organ manufacturing and functional simulation
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker and Session chair

Open-sharing Forum of Major National Science and Technology Infrastructure,
Huairou Science City Life Science Industry Development Seminar and Exchange Meeting, Beijing
Organ manufacturing and functional simulation
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker

Annual Progress Report for Graduate Students of Biosinspired Group
Major Professor: Qi Gu
Guidance Committee Members (listed in no particular order) :
Shun Zhang, Weiwei Zhai, Jingtao Guo, Baocheng Guo, Yukai Wang, Guihai Feng
UOW’s Beijing Alumni and Supporters Cocktail Reception
Global Perspectives on Leadership and International Partnerships
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Panelist
Life Science Forum
Personalized 3D Vessel-on-chip: Towards “Sherlock Holmes” approach to detecting blood clots
Invited Speaker: Lining Arnold Ju, Sydney University
The 4th Tug of War, Institute for Stem Cell and Regeneration
Congratulations to the Group of Bioinspired Engineering for achieving third place!
ICAM-BM2024 Conference Side Event: GU Lab Tour and Invited Presentation
From the Petri Dish Towards Whole Organs: Scaling Up 3D Bioprinting
Invited Speaker: Mark Skylar-Scott, Stanford University
Invited Guests: James Armstrong, University of Bristol
ICAM-BM2024 Conference Side Event: GU Lab Tour
Invited Guests:
Tim Woodfield, President and Board of Directors of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF), University of Otago;
Xiongbiao (Daniel) Chen, University of Saskatchewan;
Khoon Lim, President of the Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (ASBTE), University of Sydney;
Jinah Jang, Pohang University of Science and Technology;
Ge Gao, Beijing Institute of Technology
The 6th International Conference on Additive Manufacturing and Bio-Manufacturing, Beijing
Session Co-Chair (SBM06-1 Biomanufacturing for Human Organ Physiopathology Emulation) and Invited Speaker (SBM06-I01 Utilizing cellular mobility to connect engineered and natural organs)
2023 Annual Report of GULAB
Thanks for the hard work and dedication of all the group members in our lab.
Wishing a blessed and successful new year! May your year of the Dragon be full of happiness and health!
THANK YOU 2023, HELLO 2024!
2024 Changchun Conference on Transplantation Immunology & Xenotransplantation
The First Bethune Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun
3D printing and organ manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
China Medical University Hongyi Forum, Shenyang
3D printing and organ manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker


College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot
Harnessing developmental biology for natural-mimicking engineered organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The 11th National Member Congress of the Genetics Society of China, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Branch, Wuhan
Macroscopic organ fabrication guided by microscopic cellular motion
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Wuhan University
Exploring the potential of developmental biology in engineering organs with natural-like characteristics
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Youth Power of Change · 2023 Tanzhen Youth Science and Technology Forum, Tsinghua University
青年变革力量 · 2023探臻青年科技论坛,清华大学
3D printing and organ manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Zili Gao has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. 
Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure, Dr. Gao!
2023 International Symposium on Microphysiological Systems & the 6th Organoid and Organ-on-Chip Academic Conference and Industrial Investment Forum, Nanjing
How close is organ fabrication to achieving the natural complexity?
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker

The 10th China Orthopedic Regenerative Medicine Group Forum, Beijing
Establish an electromechanical synergy system to create functional muscles and explore the multi-factor regulation mechanism
Tingting Fan, PhD candidate, Invited Speaker

The 14th Life Sciences Forum of Qin Pengchun Education Fund & the Centenary Commemoration of the Birth of Mr. Qin Pengchun, Harbin
Exploring the potential of developmental biology in achieving natural-like engineered organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The 4th China Forum on Biosensors/Biochips/Nanobiotechnology, Suzhou
How closely engineered organs align with natural ones in physiological simulation
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
How to narrow the discrepancy between engineered and natural organs?
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
2023 Chinese Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society – Asia-Pacific Conference 2023 (TERMIS-AP), Hong Kong
Session Chair (#S03 Architecting 3D ·functional structures to enhance organ regeneration and #S04 Constructing intricate 3D structures to enable organ regeneration), Keynote Speaker, Exploring·Cell Movement in Bioprinting: Bridging the Gap Between Engineered and Natural Organs, and Invited-Speaker, Biofabrication with-biomimetic microgels and microcarrier
2023 Chinese Biomaterials Congress, Chongqing
Harnessing Cell Movement in Bioprinting
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Peking University First Hospital
How to close the gap between engineered and natural organs?
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Peking University Third Hospital
3D Bioprinting and Organ Manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
International Conference on Biofabrication 2023, Saskatoon, Canada
How far are engineered organs from achieving natural complexity?
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited talk and Session chair (online)

Glad to share the snaps from those two cover articles, Advanced Materials and Bioactive Materials
Congratulations to Shenglong Ding and Zili Gao!

Tsinghua University, Beijing
How far are engineered organs from achieving natural complexity?
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Congratulations to our graduate students Minxuan Jia and Jingmin An!
Wish them all the best in the future!
The 11th Chinese Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Congress, Guangzhou
Complex organ manufacturing
Prof. Qi Gu, Session keynote and co-chair
International Conference On Biomaterials
Bio-Design And Manufacturing (BDMC2023), Singapore
Harnessing Microscopic Cell Movements in Macroscopic Organ Fabrication
Prof. Qi Gu, Session keynote talk and session chair
The 6th National Conference on Developmental Biology, Hohhot
Unveiling developmental biology in engineered organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Microphysiological system -Organoids & Organ-on-a-chip Frontier Development
Beihang University, Beijing
Closing the gap in physiological structure between engineered and natural organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing
Bridging the gap: unveiling the physiological structure of engineered organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker

Glad to share our recent work on an in vitro blastocyst implantation model using droplet microfluidics to explain the stiffness influences of trophoblast implantation. Many thanks to our collaborators and students, Jia Guo and Bo Gou.

Glad to share our recent work on a novel HA-based microcarrier as the core material to be used for the scalable suspension serum-free culture of hESC-derived MSCs. Many thanks to our collaborators, Prof. Qi Zhou and Prof. Meijin Guo.

Glad to share our recent review on collagen-based biomaterials in neural tissue engineering, covering different manufacturing strategies, therapeutic potentials, challenges, and future prospects. Many thanks to our collaborator Prof. Mingzhu Zhang and students, including Shenglong Ding, Kai Li, and Xiyuan Zhao.

Institute of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Shandong
How to 3D print functional organs
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Peking University Health Science Center, Beijing
3D printing and organ manufacturing.
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
2023 China Biomedical Engineering Conference & Medical Innovation Summit
Suzhou International Expo Centre, China
2023 中国生物医学工程大会暨创新医疗峰会(BME2023),苏州
The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong
How close are engineered organs to natural ones: Exploring the manufacturing gap
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Shuyu Zhang has successfully achieved her Postdoctoral dissertation. 
Congratulations on your outstanding academic achievement and best wishes for your next adventure!
Fudan Organoid Summit Forum, Fudan University, Shanghai
What is the distance between engineered organs and natural ones
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Shenglong Ding has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation. 
Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure, Dr. Ding!
University of Wollongong, Australia
How far apart are the engineered organs from natural ones
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The University of Sydney, Australia
Tissue fabrication within cell movement: Exploring the proximity of engineered organs to natural ones
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
3rd Advanced Materials and 3D Printing in Medicine Workshop, University of Otago Christchurch, Christchurch, New Zealand
Prof. Qi Gu
The 28th annual conference of the Australasian Society for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (ASBTE 2023), Christchurch, New Zealand
第28届澳大利亚生物材料与组织工程学会年会(ASBTE 2023),新西兰克赖斯特彻奇
Large-scale tissue fabrication and micro-scale 3D cell migration
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
The 2nd Biomedical Polymer Materials Conference, Xiamen, Fujian.
Biomaterial design strategies in organ fabrication
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Speaker
Annual Conference for Society of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Biomanufacturing Division and International Symposium on Bio-Manufacturing, Beijing
Macroscopic Biofabrication and Microscopic Cell Movement
Prof. Qi Gu, Invited Session Speaker and Session chair

Glad to share our recent work on a novel strategy for regulating chondrocyte dedifferentiation for a better understanding of geometrical insight clues into mechanotransduction interaction in regulating cell fate. Many thanks to our collaborator Prof. Mingzhu Zhang and students including Xiyuan Zhao and Wei Xiong.

News Archive


  • 2022: Distinguished Young Investigator awarded by the Chinese Society of Stem Cell Research (CSSCR)
  • 2022: Excellent Young Scientists Fund awarded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).


  • The 10th Annual Meeting of CSSCR
  • ICBME 2019
  • TERMIS-AP & AMBC7 Congress 2019

Graduate Students:

  • Biao Song, Tingting Fan, Xia Li